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Guide to Meditate the Pain Away: Day 4

I’m so glad you found your way here. I’m even happier to be sharing this journey with you.

And now you're probably asking yourself, what journey?

This journey, well we can just call it life. Embracing it, Empowering ourselves to live it and finally Growing it to be what we envision.

Day 4: Someone got her groove back!

Tell me in the comments how your day 3 went! I’m so excited to be sharing my journey but want to cheer you on as well.

Journey Journal Entry 8.25

I can definitely say by day 4 waking up is much easier. Truth be told, I did hit the snooze button once. BUT, it was only for 10 minutes and then I got up and got my booty moving. Or at least I wanted to get my booty moving. My mind was up and ready to go but the joint pain and aches mixed with muscle numbness. UGH!

You see I have Polycythemia Vera (secondary), basically I make too much blood, this causes a slew of symptoms, two being pain and muscle numbness. While I’m lucky it’s not everyday and I don’t consider mine severe it does put a kink in some plans.

Ok, back to the morning and what we’re focusing on today. Choose to ice the joints, and believe it or not ice helps with bringing back the muscle function. Great, take care of 2 birds with one stone. LOVE IT!

Now, my body is screaming for me to meditate and focus on pain relief. This is exactly what I did. There are a few techniques I use to rid myself of pain without using medication. I listed these below. I chose to use the walking meditation technique. For me, walking meditation helps me focus my thoughts, listen to my body and relieve the pain. Nature and outdoors has always added to my calmness so I chose to be outside early, relieving pain.

Obviously my morning didn’t start on time, with the snooze button and body symptoms but I knew I needed a breakfast that fueled me. Keeping in mind what we’ve worked on this far, I made a quick vegan fruit protein shake and took it along for the walk. Of course I chose to journal about this. Building on the skills! If you’re following my journey and want to really focus on what drives you and fuels your body this journal is amazing!

The morning tried to derail my day but I’m sticking to my plan of getting me back! Nothing can get in my way.

Today I really listened to what my body needed. Pain relief, and I heard it loud and clear. Here are my top 3 pain relief meditation techniques.

  1. Walking Meditation: Choose a place that is calming to you. Walk focusing on your steps. How do they feel? Can you feel your feet against the ground? How do your legs feel?

  2. Visualization Meditation: Pick an image that brings you peace. With your eyes closed, focus deeply on this image. How does it make you feel? Any sounds? Any smells? Location?

  3. Body Scan Meditation: This is easiest, I think, laying on your back. Fully scan your body from head to toe. Take note of each area. What are you feeling? Tense all the muscle in that area and hold for 5 seconds, release. Assess the area’s feeling again. Any noise you need to get rid of to relieve that area?

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful and restful evening!



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