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Guide to Letting it Go-Day 9

I’m so glad you found your way here. I’m even happier to be sharing this journey with you.

And now you're probably asking yourself, what journey?

This journey, well we can just call it life. Embracing it, Empowering ourselves to live it and finally Growing it to be what we envision.

Day 9: Sometimes we need to physically let it go

Tell me in the comments how your day 8 went! I’m so excited to be sharing my journey but want to cheer you on as well.

Journey Journal Entry 8.30

Well ladies and gents it’s Tuesday! We’ve made it through Monday and we’re well on our way to a Holiday weekend. While I truly enjoy my day job including all my co-workers, sometimes a long weekend is much needed to reset. With that said, I would love to know how all of y’all are spending your Labor Day Weekend. Let me know in the comments here.

So for me Tuesday just started off rocky. I got plenty of sleep and I didn’t have anything on my mind in particular but I was just being a grump-butt and I knew if I didn’t get this under control it would ruin my entire day. Now, don’t get me wrong I typically don’t like mornings and have never been a buttercups and rainbow kind of morning person, but this was more than that.

To start, I needed coffee. Duh. I mean that’s a requirement. I decided what was holding me in this funk was “stuff” I was holding on to. This “stuff” didn’t need to be my baggage anymore and needed to go. Ok, now what was this “stuff” exactly? For this, I needed to meditate and let my body speak to me. Let it tell me what I was holding on to.

I’m not going to lie, the list, I felt, was just getting longer and longer. That’s ok, while I was getting a little intimidated I decided to just start chipping away. No good place to start, so let’s go with the first thing, this is usually what is bothering me the most. This is where I decided I needed a physical release. So, I got pen, paper and our fire pit and I started writing this “stuff” down. I physically burned each and every item that was holding me down this morning. Each and every item was no longer going to take my happiness today.

This was quite possibly the most therapeutic action I could have done for myself.

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful and restful evening!



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