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Guide to Affirmations: Day 6

I’m so glad you found your way here. I’m even happier to be sharing this journey with you.

And now you're probably asking yourself, what journey?

This journey, well we can just call it life. Embracing it, Empowering ourselves to live it and finally Growing it to be what we envision.

Day 6: Today, affirmations were much needed!

Tell me in the comments how your day 5 went! I’m so excited to be sharing my journey but want to cheer you on as well.

Journey Journal Entry 8.27

Today was actually a pretty chill today, y’all. I got some appointments taken care of and some errands ran. Nothing like feeling accomplished, it’s the best. I completed my morning to-do list with, of course, an ice coffee. The most important thing is rewarding yourself when you do things you don’t like. Ya know, like adulting things. UGH! No one wants to do those. Topped off the afternoon with a hair and brow appointment because again rewarding is important. I mean it was a lot of errands and a couple doctor appointments so I think that warrants more than 1 reward.

I knew I had a rather full day ahead of me and to keep my head right my body definitely needed some affirmations this morning. Affirmations have always been a large part of my life and I’m excited to share my love with you. These simple statements are so impactful and have a great benefit to your mental wellbeing.

Affirmations are positive statements affirming to yourself a purposeful, positive/good, intention. These can be done anytime of the day, for any length and can be listened to while you work. The benefits of affirmations include improved mood, sleep, and self-esteem, just to name a few. These statements provide such an impact by replacing the negative thoughts that most likely play on repeat, with the positive affirming intention. When done consistently you will eventually notice a more permanent change in your mental and most likely physical wellbeing.

So, get ready. Buckle up and let’s get started with positive affirmations.

Here are my favorite morning and evening affirmations.


I'm open and willing to receive all the wealth and health life offers me.


Stress & worry are released. My mind & body are calming. I invite only peaceful & happy dreams. Tomorrow is another opportunity.

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful and restful evening!



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