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Embrace The Weird, Make It Your Superpower

When someone makes a comment about being or acting weird, I'm sure we all have the same flashbacks from our younger school years. I immediately start remember the feathered hair, the wonderful outfits the 80's and 90's gave us and all the goofy things I did. Most of us are probably trying to run from our weirdness, maybe even trying to change who we are to cover up what someone had once said was weird.

But...what if I told you this uniqueness, this weirdness is actually your superpower. Our differences is what makes us who we are, what makes us powerful and unstoppable.

Perfect! Love This! But Now What?

It's time to list all of the ways you're unique. Grab a pen and paper, or your tablet/phone and list out everything that makes you unique, or even everything that someone has said was weird.

Trust me, I know this is isn't easy to do but absolutely worth it. It's going to feel a little strange and maybe even slightly negative but power through, I promise it will be worth it.

My list looked a little something like this:


-Full of energy

-Animated mannerisms

This list, at first glance, appears negative. It feels negative because every time this was brought up in reference to my behavior it was always in a negative way. I was constantly told, "you're too loud" or "calm, down you have too much energy." Over time, I just learned to associate these parts of who I am with acting inappropriate. This negativity around pieces of who I am caused me to suppress these aspects of who I am. Now, what happens if you look at each of these in a positive light?

Flip The Script! These Were Never Negative Attributes

Time to flip it! Take all of the negative and throw it out the window. This is, again, easier said than done. I know it will take time to rid the negative for good but be conscious of it and start reinforcing positive.

My flip involved setting boundaries for what I would and wouldn't allow others to say to or about me. For example when someone would comment on my tone or volume, I would simply reply with, "I happen to be very passionate about this topic and will continue to advocate for what I believe is right." This simple switch in my mind allowed me to take back my loudness and own it as a superpower. I can now use my voice to advocate for what I'm passionate about, stand up for what I believe is right.

I was able to take my high energy level and let that guide me to pour into my family and business. While I do have a lot of energy and appear to move 100 miles a minute, this energy is focused and dedicated to making sure what I hold dear is taken care of to the fullest of my abilities. This energy superpower allows me to live up to my standards in my career and personal life. Yes, it may seem like I'm running around in chaos but there's always a method to my madness.

Now, You Know All Your Superpowers, What's Next?

I'm willing to bet you are all asking yourselves, why does this matter? Something like, "well this was fun, but what's the point." I'm with you and I hear you but let's chat about why this is important for us.

Think about all the times these negatives around who you are were brought up. Now think about what feelings those negatives brought. I'm guessing it didn't feel great and began to shape who the world thought you should be. The power of positive thinking can allow you to flourish as you, it can allow you the freedom to be you, it allows you the flexibility to make your own choices.

Own your weirdness, embrace it and then use it! We are all made unique for a reason. Now, let those differences shine!



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